Odoo Human Resources Apps
Human Resources for modern companies
All-in-one: Recruitments, Appraisal, Expenses, Leaves, Attendances, etc.
Successfully manage your employees
Track time & attendance
Keep track of the employee hours worked and sort by project, client, or tasks. Easily access statistics to record and analyze timesheets as well as check each employee’s attendance. Integrated accounting automatically posts reports based on time spent in projects providing real-time data.
Streamlined expense management
Employees can easily submit and justify expenses. Managers can review all expenses and either approve or reject individual requests as needed. Once approved, expenses are immediately updated in Odoo Accounting.
Employee evaluation made easy
Easily set up your evaluation process and calendar. Design form-based questionnaires to collect feedback from everyone in the company, from employees to managers, as well as self-evaluations. Automate the entire process so that you can focus on people, not administration duties.
Recruit top talents
Set up a job board to post open positions in just a few clicks and easily keep track of submitted applications. Oversee and manage your applicant pipeline and integrate Odoo Survey to create a screening questionnaire which automatically associates with the candidate record.
From the sourcing to the contract, handle your recruitment process easily
Manage your hiring process
Set up your job board, promote your job listings and easily keep track of submitted applications. Follow every applicant and build a database of skills and profiles with indexed documents. No need to outsource your recruitment – handle everything internally in a simple and professional way.
Customize your recruitment process
Use the kanban view and customize the steps of your recruitments process: pre-qualification, first interview, second interview, negotiation, etc. Get accurate statistics on your recruitment pipeline.
Simplify application management Index resumes, track applicants, search profiles
Focus on selling
great services
Get a website that automatically adjusts to fit your brand and style guidelines